[Public-List] Seacocks and gate valves.

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Wed Apr 15 06:40:23 PDT 2009


Our boat, #543, has through-hulls as you describe with a couple of minor 
modifications.  The head intake is aft of the bulkhead, under the port 
settee.  The cockpit drain through-hulls have tees with hoses going to 
the side-deck scuppers.  The ice box drains into the bilge.

Rachel wrote:
> On Apr 13, 2009, at 11:20 AM, Mark Dietrich wrote:
>> I have a question regarding the raw water intake.  On my boat, 
>> 531, the hose has a tee and one leg goes to a thru hull fitting in the 
>> sink locker and the other to a thru hull fitting under the batteries.
>> Also there is no raw water strainer or filter.
>> Are these conditions normal?
> Mark,
> Which hose are you talking about exactly?  I mean, I see that you say 
> engine intake, but I can't understand exactly how the rest of it fits 
> in.  It doesn't sound normal for a first-generation boat, but then a 
> second-gen boat might be different.  I'll outline how they were 
> originally on my ex #221
> My boat has its original set-up when I got it.  The engine intake 
> through hull was on the port side of the hull, just ahead of -- and 
> below -- the engine flywheel.  So not too far from the forward end of 
> the Port side engine bed. It services only the engine.
> Under the sink there were two through hulls.  One small one for a 
> saltwater sink intake, and one larger one for the sink drain.  The sink 
> is aft/starboard.
> Under the front end of the cockpit were two more large through hulls 
> (behind the engine) which served the two cockpit drains.
> In the head were the last two through hull (of the type with hoses on 
> them; not counting instruments).  The intake was smaller and was right 
> next to the companionway (hallway) at the aft end of the compartment.  
> The discharge was towards the outboard edge of the compartment, and 
> forward.
> The only place that one seacock/through hull served two items on my boat 
> was something that I think may have been added later, but it may have 
> been stock.  The lower drain for the icebox went into a "T" fitting on 
> the port cockpit scupper run.
> I'm not sure where your batteries are, so I don't know what you've got 
> there (mine were in the compartments under the saloon sole).
> My boat did not have a raw water strainer (proper) stock.  It had one of 
> those "grates" (round with holes) over the through hull.  However that 
> through hull had been changed, so even that might not have been stock. I 
> removed that when I put in new through hulls and seacocks, as I don't 
> want any trapped items way out there to have to dive on.  There is now a 
> bronze intake strainer (glass and basket type) inside the boat, mounted 
> to the bulkhead that's between the galley and the engine room.  Fit in 
> just fine and you can change the basket with the clearance gained by 
> taking the engine compartment top off.  It's even above the water line.
> I hope this helps,
> Rachel
> ex #221

   When I remember bygone days                         George Dinwiddie
   I think how evening follows morn;            gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
   So many I loved were not yet dead,           http://www.Alberg30.org
   So many I love were not yet born.                          also see:
                'The Middle' by Ogden Nash     http://idiacomputing.com


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