[Public-List] More free charts.

Janet Kirk isobar at verizon.net
Sat Dec 19 20:54:56 PST 2009

At 04:59 PM 12/19/2009, Peter Amos wrote:
>I have loaded the Sea Cear software and downloaded two Raster Charts from 
>NOAA but I have not been able to view the charts yet.The instructions say 
>use Map-Cal.Tried that but no success.Advice would be welcome.


I just tried it, and it worked ok. My setup: SeaClear &  MapCal are in the 
SeaClear program directory; KAP files in a CHARTS sub-directory.

Unzip the NOAA charts you downloaded, then discard the BSB files 
(unnecessary). Transfer the remaining KAP charts to the CHARTS 
sub-directory. Then run MapCal in the Autoload mode. You should be in 
business, then.

Bob Kirk
Isobar 181


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