[Public-List] Outboard

David Tessier dfjtessier at hotmail.com
Sun May 10 19:02:50 PDT 2009

A couple on Contesa 26 BIKA removed their inboard and pull a small outboard out of a locker for entering ports.  Their website is easily located.  They departed Norway 2 or 3 years ago, crossed to the Carribean, flirted with Panama and Columbia, stopped in Cuba, made their way up the east coast of USA, up the Hudson to Lake Ontario, put BIKA on the hard for a winter while they wintered in the frozen north of Alberta, then in 2008 nade their way up the Trent Severn to Georgian Bay, over to Michigan/Chicago(?) and down rivers to New Orleans, ...  I have had some contact with them and must ask them about their experience sans inboard propulsion.


Strong river and tidal currents aside, lack of wind in the presence of left over chop / swells from previous (or distant) weather is one of my concerns using our outboard on the Great Lakes (and eventually on larger bodies of water also).  With sufficient searoom, this would be primarily a comfort, or should I say dis-comfort, issue.  


Admittedly, the effect of a sustained strong west wind on water flow might make passing westward through the narrows at the swing bridge in Little Current into the North Channel difficult (read impossible with our 6 HP Nissan).  I suppose that in this case I would alter sail plan -- or take Don Campbell's advice to me re getting out of the St. Clair river into Lake Huron at Sarnia, i.e., get a tow for a couple of hundred yards.  The resulting increase in goodwill 'twix motor and sail boaters would be a bonus!





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