[Public-List] Thank you for the advise

Matthew Hay mattrhay at gmail.com
Sun Nov 15 12:36:50 PST 2009

Thank you for all the painting tips.  I use the Cetol on the exterior bright
work.  I purchased Cetol Light, I have been happy with it in the past.
Luckily with the interior wood, I get by very well with just a Clorox
Solution for cleaning, followed by Lemon Oil.  But I might try something new
just on the sole this year as the Lemon Oil does not hold up very long.
Anyone have a favorite application for the sole?  Has anyone used Cetol on
the sole?  Maybe with a Gloss finish?  I am hauling out this week and then
the fun begins.  I have a bit of work to do this fall------- that should
have been done last fall ------- which should have been done the fall before
that.  So all the help is very much appreciated!

Matt Hay
#314 Renard 1968


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