[Public-List] (no subject)
moiraeiii at aol.com
moiraeiii at aol.com
Fri Sep 18 06:57:30 PDT 2009
If on Lake Champlain we would suggest CHAMP........but I don't know if he travels to other waters.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Terrell <Dterrell at message.nmc.edu>
To: public-list at alberg30.org
Sent: Fri, Sep 18, 2009 9:35 am
Subject: [Public-List] (no subject)
Earlier this summer while I was sailing Grand Traverse Bay in winds of 2 to 4
kts apparent with calm flat water and no power boats in the area, there suddenly
appeared about about ten wave crests - one was a breaking wave - I thiink some
of them might have been two feet high. The water around these waves was flat
like all the rest of the water on the bay. When they passed - having bumped me
around pretty well - the sea remained flat and the winds remained at the same
speeds for most of the rest of the afternoon. The wave crests went all the way
across the bay. I saw an other sail boat get knocked around as I was. The whole
event lasted about two minutes - maybe a little more or less.
Any thoughts on what this event was? no reported midwest earthquakes or tremors
that I know of tha day. The waves did not resemble the wake of a large power
boat. To be sure I looked carefully and found none. Later a large power boat
passed by and its wake did not resemble what I experienced in any way.
really curious. I have never seen this sort of thing before.
David, 432
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