[Public-List] Info on keel

Jeffrey fongemie at gmail.com
Sun Aug 22 05:04:37 PDT 2010

Excellent advice, though you also may want to consider using epoxy for
this job instead of polyester resin.  Much higher adhesion, less water
absorption,  even lower VOCs. Unless, you plan on re-gelcoating..which
I wouldn't bother with.


On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 5:46 PM, Richard Mair <ramair49 at gmail.com> wrote:
> The fiberglass will start to absorb water.A gouge like that would likely
> expose the fibers and that is what would cause the water absorption..Though
> the thickened epoxy will work it requires hauling  the boat.. If that is not
> a possibility now i would get some underwater epoxy and seal the gouges till
> the boat can be hauled..
>  My preference for a repair would be to grind around the gouges about 3
> inches out and taper the grind till the edges are just removing the gel
> coat..If you can at this point let it sit if there is any sign of moisture
> and let this dry out.. At this point cut progressively larger pieces of mat
> to roughly match the taper you ground. At the smallest area you will need to
> be 8 layers to give you the 1/4 inch.. 8 layers is the most you should put
> on at a time,and lay them up with polyester resin..After this you can fair
> and gel coat or inter protect 2000.
> Richard. into the blue 609
> On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 9:17 AM, edward schroeder
> <eddiediver at sbcglobal.net>wrote:
>> All; the Sail Chicago Club boat, Emotional Rescue #303, was run aground by
>> one of our members. After it was towed off by the Marine Police boat, the
>> Officer diver took digital photos which indicated 1/4 inch deep gouges in
>> the very bottom of the keel and approx. 6 inches up the sides of the keel.
>> We are preparing an insurance claim and need to assess the damages.
>> Emotional Rescue is an 1968 vintage.
>> The question; is the very bottom surface of the keel metal or is it a
>> fiberglass? After a week, we are not getting more water in the bilge. I have
>> no idea if the fiberglass is slowly becoming saturated with water. Help!
>> Ed Schroeder
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Jeffrey Fongemie


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