[Public-List] Fwd: Ishbel Montgomery

Vicki Lathom vlathom at comcast.net
Sun Aug 15 10:15:25 PDT 2010

>Hi, everyone:

I just got this information from a Dreams Landing neighbor, in case 
any of you remember Ishbel.

Vicki  Lathom

>Good Morning Everyone,
>In case you missed it, as I almost did, Friday's (8/13) Capital, on 
>page A-15 included an obituary for long-time Dreams Landing 
>resident, Ishbel Montgomery.  As mentioned in the obituary, there 
>will be a memorial gathering later today, Sunday (8/15), from 4 to 7 
>p.m., at Taylor Funeral Home, 147 Duke of Gloucester St.
>As some will recall, Ishbel resided in Unit 1204, many of those 
>years with her husband Monty, from circa 1978 until just a few years 
>ago when health considerations required Ishbel to relocate to 
>another living situation.  If anyone would like to see a copy of the 
>obituary, Mary and I will retain ours for the next several 
>days.  Also, it should be available at the Capital website.
>Ray Turner


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