[Public-List] Prop zinc.

Stephen Gwyn gwyn at beluga.phys.uvic.ca
Tue Feb 23 12:22:10 PST 2010


You almost certainly want CMPNZ-B.
(CMPNZ stands for Canadian Metal Prop Nut Zinc)
The only reason you wouldn't is if you had changed
your propellor shaft from 7/8" to another size.

#495 Quasar

  Stephen Gwyn                 |  Tel: 1-250-363-3136
  Dept. of Physics & Astronomy |  Fax: 1-250-363-0045
  Univ. of Victoria            |  Cell: 1-250-885-6969
  PO Box 3055                  |  E-mail: gwyn at uvastro.phys.uvic.ca
  Victoria, BC  V8W 3P6        |  http://orca.phys.uvic.ca/~gwyn


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