[Public-List] Waking up aboard an Alberg 30 in a blizzard.

Vicki Lathom vlathom at comcast.net
Sat Feb 6 07:00:59 PST 2010

You might want to send your photos in....

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If you have a particularly interesting or harrowing snow story tell 
us. Be sure to give us your name and where you live.
At 09:34 AM 2/6/2010, you wrote:
>Ahoy all,
>I live aboard Ferrity, (#436), and am docked in Annapolis.  If you're
>curious about what it is like waking up in a blizzard, I've uploaded some
>photos here:
>I'll add more throughout the day.
>No sailing today,
>s/v Ferrity
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