[Public-List] Alberg longevity (was RE: Mast Beam Repair)

Mike Lehman sail_505 at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 8 07:02:52 PST 2010

"I have an image of a short, slight man with 
white longish hair, creased face and blue eyes. I guess that 
describes a good portion of the Danish male population over the age if 
sixty five..."
I am not so sure about that - I am from Denmark (born in Copenhagen) and certainly do not fit this profile, nor do any of my family members. I also visit Copenhagen at least every 5 years; Danes are generally tall, slender, light complextion with blond or brown hair (or my my case red)...that is because my ancestors are from a small island called Bornholm which is where the Danish Vikings orginated...that explains a few things, doesn't it!

Mike Lehman 

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