[Public-List] Gas tank

Dave Terrell DTERRELL at message.nmc.edu
Wed Jan 20 14:13:14 PST 2010

Responses are below

>>> Stephen Gwyn <gwyn at beluga.phys.uvic.ca> 1/20/2010 3:49 PM >>>

Thanks for the information everbody. I now have some follow up

Dave Terrell:
You suggested a plastic replacement tank from Moeller.  I assume 
you mean their model 032518.  Looks good. Does the fact that the 
vent will be at the downhill (front) end matter? Won't air get 
trapped in the uphill (aft) end? The current tank has the vent 
fixture at the aft end.
I have a liner boat; the tank is parallel to the bottom of the cockpit - does not incline. I can check this for sure this weekend; I can probably get a picture for you. As far as I know I have not had problems with air pockets. The gauge is about as accurate as  any of the fuel gauges. When almost empty, it takes about 11 gallons. I If you go to Moeller's site you can check the number. I have no reason think it is a different tank. I am sure if you call Defender they can help you. You can also compare defenders dimensions with those on the Moeller site.
Maybe someone who knows both styles of boat can comment on the incline problem.

Also, you talk removing the wood panels on the port side.
Do you mean the wood between the space under the cockpit
and the cockpit locker? How easy is that to remove?
And prehaps more importantly? How easy is it to put back?
Yes, I am referring to the wood divides the space between the engine and the gas tank and the sail locker. To be honest, I did not remove the panels my self, but  have examined them and tightened them, etc. on occasion. On my boat, there are at least two panels. They are screwed into the fiberglass. Once they were removed, the space was wide open. As above, I will take a look this weekend and report back what I find. 
I hope this info is helpful.
David, 432

George Dinwiddie:
You talked about several people having a saddle tank in the 
starboard locker. What are the dimesions of this tank? Does it 
take up a lot of room?

#495, Quasar

  Stephen Gwyn                 |  Tel: 1-250-363-3136
  Dept. of Physics & Astronomy |  Fax: 1-250-363-0045
  Univ. of Victoria            |  Cell: 1-250-885-6969
  PO Box 3055                  |  E-mail: gwyn at uvastro.phys.uvic.ca
  Victoria, BC  V8W 3P6        |  http://orca.phys.uvic.ca/~gwyn

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