[Public-List] Steam bending Teak

Don Campbell dk.campbell at sympatico.ca
Sun Jan 31 09:14:24 PST 2010

One consideration in this discussion is the species of wood used in the 
rails and constructin of the AL30. I have had suggested to me that it 
may be Afromosia or a Central or a South American species that is more 
closely related to mahogany than teak. The species, if teak, might also 
depend upon the country of origin with Burmese Teak differing from that 
grown in any other country. If you google teak  or mahogany substitutes 
you will get quite a range of discussions from afromosia  to Honduran 
mahogany to sapele and many more. These species all have different 
steaming characteristics!
Don #528

Janet Kirk wrote:
> At 02:21 AM 1/30/2010, Rachel wrote:
>> Could I ask where you read about epoxy being subject to creep under
>> load?  I'd like to read more about that.
> Hi, Rachel... Sure thing. It turns out that the famous collapse of the 
> ceiling panels in the Boston "Big Dig" tunnel was caused by epoxy 
> creep. See, for instance:
> http://www.designnews.com/article/7922-_Epoxy_Creep_Main_Factor_in_Big_Dig_Ceiling_Panel_Collapse.php 
> or here for the epoxy maker's "it wasn't my fault":
> http://www.boston.com/news/traffic/bigdig/articles/2007/07/12/ny_glue_maker_denies_role_in_tunnel_collapse/ 
> Also West System has a short discussion on the flexibility vs 
> stiffness of epoxy, asking "What degree of creep ...  is acceptable?"
>    http://www.epoxyworks.com/16/pdf/flexible.pdf
> Various woodworking sites on the internet have forums of mostly 
> anecdotal stuff, too.
> It's obvious that the Big Dig people should have built their ceilings 
> with laminated oak beams, glued with Resorcinol.
> Bob Kirk
> Isobar #181
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