[Public-List] Genoa Sizes

David Tessier dfjtessier at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 20 12:38:01 PDT 2010



I pole out my partially furled 140% Genoa with my spinnaker pole, but really need a whisker pole about 6 feet longer to pole out my full 140% Genoa. I like to have the pole supported independently of the foresail, spinnaker pole style.


I have started playing with two nylon drifter sail set flying (separately) on their wire luffs. (They came with my boat.) One is about the same size as my Genoa, the other much smaller.  I had fun taking the larger one down when the breeze got up (and my flying luff was not nearly tight enough) -- blanketing such a foresail with the mains'l by turning well downwind seemed to work.



Dave Tessier

Trois Bouleaux #319




> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2010 14:15:24 -0400
> From: Jeffrey <fongemie at gmail.com>
> To: Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all
> <public-list at lists.alberg30.org>
> Subject: [Public-List] Genoa Sizes
> Message-ID:
> <AANLkTilHloMk1QRRi3IyYU2_BSM69X4Dt-iPnKmGjI4j at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> All this talk about Genoas has me thinking.
> I've always thought my genoa was a %110, although I don't know for
> sure. The clew does extend back beyond the mast, but the leech comes
> up just shy of the spreaders so it appears to be about 110%..sound
> correct?
> Up here in Maine we're in the summer doldrums with many days of light
> wind of 5 to 8 knot winds. I understand there are diminishing returns
> on larger sails, but just how much extra performance will I see with a
> larger headsail? My current genoa feels fairly heavyweight, I'm
> guessing a larger lighter sail will help in light summer winds.
> Jeff Fongemie
> #116 Seagrass
> http://picasaweb.google.com/fongemie
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