[Public-List] stern tube rudder post corrosion problem

David Tessier dfjtessier at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 12 13:19:21 PDT 2010


Thanks for raising this issue.  


We have A30 #319.  I have been looking from the companionway back over our A4 at the rudder post for a couple of years now.  Although #319 is a pre-liner boat, I seem to see a stuffing box on the rudder tube.  I have assumed that our A30 might be exceptional (aren't they all?) because just above what appears to be a stuffing box is a chain sprocket on the rudder post which is coupled via a chain to a very old auto pilot located in the starboard cockpit locker.  Fortunately the engage/disengage lever on the old auto pilot works very well and when disengaged, the tiller is quite free to move.  I have pictures of the set up -- if anyone would like to see a few of them, drop me a line and I will send them along.


I have never quite understood how far up the rudder stock tube extends in the pre-liner boats (e.g., without the autopilot feature on ours), e.g., does it go all the way up to the underside of the cockit sole?  thereby permitting a little water to pump into the cockpit in a following sea?  In light of my interest in keeping friction in the rudder to a minimum in order to facilitate self-steering (sheet-to-tiller and/or wind vane), this seems like a small price to pay.

 Any comments or further details on the rudder stock/tube situation in pre-liner boats, including access of moisture into the cockpit sole core, would be greatly appreciated.



David Tessier 

Trois Bouleaux, #319






> Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2010 19:31:49 -0400
> From: Matthew Hay <mattrhay at gmail.com>
> To: public-list at lists.alberg30.org
> Subject: [Public-List] stern tube rudder post corrosion problem
> Message-ID:
> <AANLkTimEv2WgQzeUVcdPXUgA-rhXlUQNNfrRkkJpFIHR at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hi happy Friday,
> If someone has the time can they please describe what and were the stern
> tube is on my 1968 #314 pre-liner Alberg. I have been following previous
> discussions but am confused. Having never addressed this issue I would like
> to while I am still out of the water painting the interior. I think I have
> discovered a rather serious problem. If I look over my engine with a
> flashlight at the rudder post coming down from under the cockpit the post
> goes strait into a big (for lack of a better or proper word) large nut
> assembly that looks like with the proper wrench could be turned. That is
> all there is. I do not see a tube or anything else? Is 1968 on the cusp and
> perhaps I do have a stuffing box but Masonite core (which I have confirmed)
> and no liner with a vertical fridge? I am concerned because were the rudder
> post goes into the stuffing box nut assembly the post itself seems to have
> corroded to the point were I can see what looks like a bronze rectangular
> shaft being revealed through the corrosion of the metal around it. That
> can't be good? The rectangular bronze looking shaft seems fine but what
> ever metal surrounds it has corroded off in one spot right above were the
> shaft exists through the nut stuffing box?? assembly. Is that a corroded
> stern tube? Or do I need to replace my rudder post? Or can I keep an eye
> on it this summer and replace the rudder post (if that what is wrong) as a
> winter project next fall? I hope this is not all to confusing.
> Thank you very much,
> Matt 1968 #314

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