[Public-List] (and electric fuel pumps)

Meinhold, Michael J. MICHAEL.J.MEINHOLD at saic.com
Thu Jun 10 07:19:42 PDT 2010

My company does not like "Atomic Bomb" in subject lists for some

I got my electric fuel pump from Moyer Marine.

 The first level of protection is an oil pressure sensor that cuts power
to the fuel pump when the pressure is low.  This is nice because it also
prevents you from running with very low oil pressure. The second level
is that the operator shuts the power to coil off when the engine stalls.

I had planned to put in a momentary-on bypass switch for this sensor,
but in my experience the starter generates enough oil pressure at start
to close the switch.

Was there no such protection in the Jag's?


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