[Public-List] Finishes Part Two........ Plus

Kris Coward kris at melon.org
Thu Jun 3 07:25:49 PDT 2010

I've got little bits of stainless like that where the vang would rub
against the cabin top, but they were installed by a previous owner, so I
can't tell you where to get them (and if I could, I'd really like to put
another couple of them where the halyards run against the cabin top when
I'm hauling on them from the cockpit..)

Of course that's all on the glass, so the stainless looks fine; if I
were to put such hardware on the teak I'd want bronze too.(Actually, my
mooring tire is close enough to the front of my mooring that I have to
lead my stern lines directly over the toe rail to the spinnaker winches
instead of through the fairleads, so if you find a source for little
bronze anti-chafe plates, I'd love to hear about it.)


On Thu, Jun 03, 2010 at 05:18:11AM -0700, Laughing Gull wrote:
> I like all the comments - they mirror my experience. There are no short cuts. I have two questions:
> 1. The best success I have had to date is a base of good spar varnish (I think it was z spar nothing special) covered with Bristol Finish. The Bristol is a two part varnish. This has produced a hard finish that resists normal wear and tear. it fails around the edges- as they all do I guess. The advantage of this is that you can apply multiple coats in one session.
> Interestingly, I have had much less success with the Bristol just by itself. It is very finicky if there is ANY issue with the preparation - which in the case of teak is hard as the wood is so oily - mine isn't but ...
> Has anyone else had similar experiences?
> 2 - I have heard one can buy very thin sheets of stainless steel that can be attached to the wear points - where the sheets run off the winches across the coaming and into the cockpit for example. This would be less bulky that putting quarter round on those spots.
> Anyone. Done this? It would look more traditional if you could get it in bronze.
> Jonathan Adams
> Mobile: 443-538-7443
> Composed on PDA
> On Jun 2, 2010, at 4:22 PM, Gordon Laco <mainstay at csolve.net> wrote:
> I watched "Mama Mia" to see the famous Tai-Mo-Shan in that film...
> On 02/06/10 4:15 PM, "John Birch" <Sunstone at cogeco.ca> wrote:
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Kris Coward					http://unripe.melon.org/
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