[Public-List] Remove Teak Toe Rails/Hull Deck Paint Job

Mike Lehman sail_505 at hotmail.com
Sun Mar 21 08:07:25 PDT 2010

Hi Bob,


I have done this job on my boat "Gilleleje" #505.


Removal of the toe rails is not difficult, you just need to be careful. Replacing them is expensive and tedious (I split one 14' clear board - ouch - $$$$). I had to replace mine because I removed my toe rail by using another boat in a collision during a race. In the collision, it broke all of the rivets and opened the deck-hull joint for 12 feet. After finishing the race, I sailed back to the dock and re-attached the deck to the hull using 3M5200 and SS bolts. The next day, we went on the 10-day fall cruise (san toe rail) without a single leak. Over the winter I removed the track and rest of the rail and re-sealed the entire joint with 5200 and replaced all of the rivets with SS thru bolts. I like 5200 for this job, because it stays flexible and seals very well. The following year, I replaced the starboard rail and rivets, but removal of the original toe rail was not quite so dramatic.


This was over 20 years ago, and I have no leaks. It is important to re-caulk the toe rail joint inside and outside each year. Outside is easy from a dinghy. 


This is a job that is worthwhile.

Mike Lehman 


> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 18:53:56 -0700
> From: bob at crinion.ca
> To: public-list at lists.alberg30.org
> Subject: [Public-List] Remove Teak Toe Rails/Hull Deck Paint Job
> My boat is Hull# 560 with a hull liner.
> Has anyone removed the teak toe rails and resealed the hull deck joint?
> Is it a big job to remove the teak toe rails?
> Do you use 3m 5200 to reseal the deck or something else?
> Was it possible to rebolt the deck with SS 1/4" machine screws or do you
> have to use Aluminum or SS rivets in some places?
> I have a variety of leaks mostly along the hull deck joint, some from
> what looks like corroded aluminum rivets and some leaks from the screws
> that hold down the teak toe rails. Some of the leaks are in the vee
> berth and eventually find their way into the bunks and others in the
> salon cupboards. 
> I have sailed the boat for at least 6 years and would like to fix the
> leaks once and for all...
> The deck is a light blue color, badly faded and is in need of a paint
> job.
> The non skid is not too bad but in areas on the vertical surfaces along
> the coach roof you can see worn areas showing a black substance in the
> worn gelcoat.
> The boat yard folks have suggested at 36 years perhaps an overhaul is
> finally needed and suggested Awlgrip on the hull and deck. One
> suggestion was to roll and tip Awlgrip on the deck and spray the hull.
> The deck requires some repair in some of the stantion areas.
> I built a plastic bow shaped shed (34' by 14') to house the boat for
> this project with fluorescent lights inside.
> Sometimes I think I may be about to bite of more than I can chew on this
> one...
> I am thinking of removing all the deck hardware, windows etc and
> replacing the windows with tinted ones.
> Any suggestions and feedback would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> -bob
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