[Public-List] Whale gusher 10 pump

Stephen Gwyn gwyn at beluga.phys.uvic.ca
Sat Sep 18 22:04:39 PDT 2010


I took apart my manual bilge pump. It's a whale gusher
10, like most or all Alberg 30s. It mostly looks OK except
for one nut on the inside of the diaphragm, on the end of
the bolt going through the diaphram. This fell apart when
I tried to remove it. It looks like it should be a 1/2 inch
coarse threaded nut, but when I bought one it wouldn't
go on. Is it some kind of metric nut? Or is it special
to Whale pumps? It look like it was aluminum. Should
buy the 99$ kit just for the nut, or should replace
the nut with SS if/when I can find the right size?

Anybody have experience with this?

Quasar #495

  Stephen Gwyn                 |  Tel: 1-250-363-3136
  Dept. of Physics & Astronomy |  Fax: 1-250-363-0045
  Univ. of Victoria            |  Cell: 1-250-885-6969
  PO Box 3055                  |  E-mail: gwyn at uvastro.phys.uvic.ca
  Victoria, BC  V8W 3P6        |  http://orca.phys.uvic.ca/~gwyn


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