[Public-List] Advice on bring a lake kept Alberg 30' to the Bay area

David Glotfelty glotfeltys at gmail.com
Sun Jul 3 10:28:51 PDT 2011

Hi to all on the list,

I appreciate all the advice provided by the list.  I sailed in the 80's - Catalina 27's in Puerto Rico - I had their clubs captains card and could take out the boats for three day weekends.  Then sadly I came back grin.  I just completed a day sailer course with Flying Scot 19' sloops with the great folks at the Sailing Club Of Washington.  In the middle years though I have just a very little bit of crew experience.

Anyway I'd like to have something seaworthy again and get back my sailing skills. After looking at my options the Alberg 30' looks like the best option depending on what I can find.  I'm negotiating for a lake kept boat who's biggest issues seem the bottom paint needs redone from it's last coating for the lake of Micron CSC.  Also the dark blue gelcoat is faded above the waterline and the owner believes compounding is not a good option vs rolled and tipped two part polyurethane paint.

So best paints for the bay? ( I have been looking at Flag Harbor - options or advice there welcome as well - they seem like a nice full service marina.  )  I was at first looking at Tantallon on the upper Potomac for a close marina but they don't have services and Ft Washington doesn't seem to friendly to working on the boat.  It will be delivered with the mast down which will be another issue but painting and getting registration numbers and name on seem first to consider.  The other plus to Flag Harbor is practicing my beginners skill on the bay would be simpler then navigating the shallow parts of the Potomac while I get my sealegs again.

My maintenance skills are low - I've just helped people paint and sand before ( in the 80's) so all advice is welcome.  Also any concurrence on the correct color of dark blue that matches the color of classic Alberg gelcoat?  Cost of paint and materials so I can plan these costs along with registration, tx, and mast raising?

Well cross your fingers for me I still have a long way to go on this,

Dave Glotfelty, Brandywine, MD 


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