[Public-List] Fuel tank for sale

George Mathis georage at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 12 06:16:34 PDT 2011

I have a never-used aluminum fuel tank that I'd like to sell.I ordered it for #439 several years ago, but decided to go with an outboard well instead. I can't remember where I ordered it from in 2005, but I got the company name from this mailing list. It is in almost new condition. It was aboard my boat for 6 years but never hooked up to an inboard, or used to store anything.I can send photos if you'd like to check it out. It was designed for gas, not diesel, though I'm not sure if that matters.#439 is now in Brunswick (Georgia), about to re-enter the sea after a lengthy (and expensive) refit. Hopefully someone can use the tank. I'd like to help another Alberg owner get their boat back in action.I am not sure what to charge, I can't remember what I paid for it.Regards,George

Note: this is a resend, the first one sent several days ago never appeared on the archive


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