[Public-List] Main Sheet Setup

gregr at nethere.com gregr at nethere.com
Tue May 3 17:16:50 PDT 2011

Ayla was built in '64 and has what I assume is the original main sheet
setup. There is a pad-eye on each side of the cockpit just forward of the
aft hatch and a winch in the middle. The sheet starts at the  port pad-eye,
runs through a block on the end of the boom, down to the SB pad-eye, back up
to the boom, down to the port pad-eye, and finally over to the winch.

What is the recommended setup and how much will it improve things over what
I have? I'm not looking to race her but I'm not a big fan of having to use a
winch to trim the main either.

S/V Ayla


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