[Public-List] Stiff Main Sheave

Don Campbell dk.campbell at sympatico.ca
Sat May 14 05:07:10 PDT 2011

Hi Brennan:
     It is probably not rust but the oxidation that occurs between steel 
and aluminum. I think the sheave is aluminum and from the two masts I 
have here, the bolts are stainless steel. If there is ever any salt that 
does get up to that sheave, then the oxidation is more rampant. It is a 
major problem on our highway trucks here in the winter when they use 
steel rivets on aluminum frames.
     There are two bolts up at the masthead that hold the rigging on the 
mast. The one holds jumper straps and the other holds the uppers. There 
is a bushing for the sheave on the second bolt but the top one is only 
3/8" I would take the stick down for safety and it will give you a 
chance to do a thorough inspection of all that is on the mast, lights 
antennae etc. at the same time.
     I do not know of any product that will give you a good barrier to 
the steel/aluminum contact on that sheave, but suspect that it has not 
been down for a clean for  a few years.
Don #528

On 5/13/2011 4:45 PM, Brennan Carney wrote:
> It looks like my main sheave has some rust on it which is keeping it from
> turing as smoothly as it should. Can anyone say if it will be safe to go up
> the mast and repair this? The problem is that the uppers are connected to
> the same bolt that the sheave is on so we would have to disconnect them.
> Lowers, fore and back stays will be unaffected.
> Thanks,
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