[Public-List] Hull thickness question

Peter Amos p.a.amos at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 9 03:17:50 PST 2011

This worked for me and held securely for 10 years through a lot of miles and some heavy seas. Clean and degrease the hull surface that  will be  behind the tank and also clean the tank surface that faces the hull. Run a 2" x 2" beam between the forward and aft bulkheads in the cockpit locker to prevent the tank moving forward.Dampen both surfaces with a spray of clean water. Spray some expanding foam between the tank and the hull,not too much ,you dont want to push the tank off its seat.Usr the plastic tube on the foam can to 
get spots of foam well behind the tank from both sides. No need for epoxy or holes in the hull.
Pete  ex Tait Tait  #478 		 	   		  

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