[Public-List] Bad Holding Tank

Kris Coward kris at melon.org
Mon Apr 30 12:40:32 PDT 2012

On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 03:18:13PM -0400, Manza, John CIV OSD POLICY wrote:
> That's what I was thinking.  Does it overly restrict headroom? 

I oriented the Airhead facing forward, so it only restricted headroom
over my knees (I did the same thing). The hole required for the Airhead
fan is a little bigger than the vent hole that's already there, so I did
some sort of trickery with scrap plywood in order to keep the hole saw
from skidding all over the cabin top while enlarging the hole, though
I'll be damned if I can remember exactly what the trickery was. It
shouldn't be too much trouble to figure out the trickery on your own. (I
think mine just involved putting the mounting holes for the fan in the
cabin top first, and then mocking up a plywood mimic of the fan that
could be mounted in those holes to centre/guide the hole saw).



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