[Public-List] Reply to JB - "Mermaid" #305

Len Payne lenpayne at bresnan.net
Fri Jan 27 09:53:31 PST 2012

{Randy and Mimi

A long ways from where you would like to  purchase an Alberg but there are two 
that I know of in the Great Lakes.  One is in Port Clinton, OH on Lake Erie and 
is a 67' Alberg 30 Yawl.  I is on the hard at Brand's Marina and I know it is 
great shape.  It has been out of the water for at least two years because the 
gentleman that owned it passed away.  It is probably the only Alberg 30 Yawl in 
existence.  The other one is in Lorain, OH and is a 68' Alberg.  I know nothing 
about this boat but I think it listed with Freeman out of Vermilion, OH.

Mermaid #305}

I was going to buy that boat on the hard in Port Clinton, paid for yard work, paid for new survey, long story - recently purchased an Alberg 35 instead.
I would not consider it "in great shape" and she's been on the hard a lot longer than 2 years.
Feel free to contact me, off site, if you'd like more information on this boat.


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