[Public-List] Holding tank installation

Stephen Gwyn stephen.gwyn at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Thu May 3 09:39:18 PDT 2012


I'm installing a holding tank. I've read the instructions at:
I have a few questions for anybody who has followed them
and particularly for George, who wrote them in the first place.

- How well has the PVC pipe lasted? Pretty attractive since
it's cheap and very smell resistant, but it's supposed to be
bad on boats due to flexibility concerns. How long has it lasted?

- In running the plumbing from under the V-berth to the head
compartment, did you drill holes or in the main bulkhead or
use the "secret" compartment behind the liner?


#495 Quasar

Stephen Gwyn                       | Tel: 1-250-363-3136
Canadian Astronomical Data Centre  | Fax: 1-250-363-0045
Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics | Cell: 1-250-885-6969
5071 West Saanich Road             | E-mail: Stephen.Gwyn at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Victoria, BC, V9E 2E7, Canada      | http://astrowww.phys.uvic.ca/~gwyn/


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