[Public-List] Stuffing box wrenches. and access

Bill Newman newman423 at rogers.com
Fri May 11 04:45:54 PDT 2012

The stuffing box of No. 233 after many years with no drips, has this year developed a reasonably aggressive leak. I expect it was caused by running the engine on the hard for a short period with no water lubrication for the shaft. I had an Alberg manual which had drawings and specifications to fabricate the special wrenches required to tighten the stuffing box which at the moment I can't seem to find. I would appreciate it very much if someone could email me the wrench drawings and specifications. I am planning to cut an access panel in the port locker and find a person somewhat less beefy to go down there and tighten the nuts. Any advice will be appreciated.


Bill Newman

Marion Rose III, #



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