[Public-List] What size fitting for new teak cap rail

Glennb brooks.glenn at comcast.net
Wed May 23 08:38:54 PDT 2012

Thanks Mike,  Iam gonna go buy some #10s on the way up to the yard.  I like the 5200 idea also, provides some additional adhesion and flexes!  Great advice. 

Sent from my iPad

On May 23, 2012, at 5:20 AM, Mike Lehman <sail_505 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Glen,
> I pretty sure that I used #10 screws when I did this job many years ago. The wood was specifically chosen for its tight even grain. Even then, I broke a piece trying to bend it. The most severe bend is from the shrouds forward. I used 5200 to bed the rail. I also drilled out the pop rivets, opened the deck hull seam slightly and filled the seam with 5200. No leaks ever! What prompted all this work for me was a collision with another Alberg in a race in high wind when he lost control of his boat (spinnaker up in 35 knots) and t-boned me on the port side about 4 feet back from the bow. The collision opened the deck/hill seam from the point of collision all the way back to the jib track and the deck was lifted about 3". You could go below, climb over all of the cabinetry that was laying on the cabin sole and look out through the deck/hill seam.  We finished the race, but on a starboard tack the water would pour in so we would flip over to a port tack to pump the bilge. BTW, we were protested from the race because the race committee said that my #1 priority was to display the red protest flag...since it took about 10 minutes to determine if the still seaworthy, I didn't get the flag up in time and was disqualified.
> These are strong boats!
> -----Original Message----- From: Glennb
> Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 12:13 AM
> To: Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all
> Subject: [Public-List] What size fitting for new teak cap rail
> hello all,
> I am wondering what size screws to use to fasten a new teak cap rail onto the bulwarks I replaced my old toe rail with?
> the new bulwarks are 3 3/4" high, 11/8" thick, and I have milled some 12' teak boards into 5/8 x 2" cap rails.  the problem is teak is not very bendy so doesn't accept the curvy lines of the Alberg 30 very well, particularly amidships, it twists and jumps  up and turns over pretty easily because of stress in the wood fibers,  and fractures and breaks if bent to much,,, so lots of stress along the grain of the wood.
> I  steam bent the milled pieces to mitigate the curve of the hull pretty well, but am  concerned about what size wood screw to use to fasten the cap rail down onto the bulwarks.   I have done one segment of cap rail with #8 x 11/4" wood screws, leaving about 7/8" embedded in the bulwrk and the top portion of the screw countersunk half way into the 5/8 cap. But the # 8 screws seems a little puny!
> if  I use a larger counter sunk  woodscrew, say a #10 would that weaken the cross section of wood across the cap rail to much at each screw,  (12 to 16" spacing along the rail) or if I stay with the smaller #8 screw, will that be to little holding power once the ocean slams into the already spring loaded teak rails??
> I think I am inclined to go with a larger #10 screw, but would appreciate any advice (tomorrow I install the second length)
> P.S.  Also, thoughts on screwing and glueing the teak more or less permanently to the bulwark with epoxy, or just bed it with dolphinite bedding compound... The bulwarks are sapelle, a form of African Mahogony, hence susceptible to rot at some point..
> thanks much!
> Glenn P.
> dolce 318
> Sent from my iPad
> On May 22, 2012, at 6:15 PM, "John Birch" <Sunstone at cogeco.ca> wrote:
>> Thicker, heavier, is 'more gooder' ; )
>> Used it on our A-30, now on our A-37, makes a difference.
>> ATB
>> John
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeffrey" <alberg30 at fongemie.com>
>> To: "Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all" <public-list at lists.alberg30.org>
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 8:48 PM
>> Subject: [Public-List] What size coax for vhf?
>>> Anyone know anything about coax & vhf radios? I'm replacing the rotten old
>>> wire in the mast. RG-8x or RG-213.  Is R-213 overkill for our boats?
>>> I've seen the numbers for signal loss, but it means nothing to me. I keep
>>> the radio about two feet from the galley bulkhead so i'm estimating 50 feet
>>> to the top of the mast.
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