[Public-List] interior painting

isobar at verizon.net isobar at verizon.net
Wed Apr 17 10:02:49 PDT 2013


 Gordon... Sorry, no. The only effective mildewcide additive for paint that the manufacturers don't already use is tributyl tin. Wonderfuls stuff, but it's been banned for many years in marine use. 

Ace Hardware used to sell small bottles of TBT paint additive labeled for house paints only, but I just looked,and it's no longer in their catalog. I was lucky enough to find some bottles a few years ago and hoarded them. You might try the dusty back shelves in you local Ace.... Bob Kirk
On 04/17/13, gordon white<gewhite at crosslink.net> wrote:
 Anyone have a recommendation for anti-mildew additive for paint? 
The stuff I used to get is no longer available.

 - Gordon White, /Brigadoon II/


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