[Public-List] A 4 problems

Lawrence Morris morris.lc at verizon.net
Sun Aug 11 06:27:17 PDT 2013


It sounds to me as fuel restriction issue.  Load requires more fuel.   I would return the carb settings back to factory settings and look at the fuel filter.   When you emptied the fuel tank you probably stirred put sentiment in the tank that has clogged the fuel filter.

My 2 cents

Larry Solstice 501

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 10, 2013, at 8:42 AM, Ron Walker <rwpsw at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> Good day everyone. I'm looking fir some advice.Late last year I ran up on a sand bar. With my head firmly inserted in my posterior I emptied the fuel tank trying to get her off.
> Long story short, I've pulled the head, freed up the valves in the 1st hole and rebuilt the carb.
> She runs but the second I put it in gear it bogs down and stalls. I tried adjusting the air fuel screws in the carb but it still wouldn't run.
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Ron
> Full Measure 
> Sent from my iPhone
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