[Public-List] Rudder fell off!

Kristian Larson k.larsonbc at gmail.com
Thu Aug 8 20:42:19 PDT 2013

Thanks for the offer of your rudder plans. I think I'll take you up on
that. I'm anxious to get Mara out of the water and see what is left down
there in the way of fittings but it will have to wait till I'm back in
September.  Did you make your new rudder shaft out of stainless or bronze?
Yeah, the rudder to shoe connection must have failed. That would comprise
its strength. I'm curios as well to see the break I'm the shaft. I wasn't
able to pull it out from above.  If Howe sound wasn't so silty from the
river this time of year I would have dove to have a look.

On Thursday, August 8, 2013, Jonathan Adams wrote:

> It sounds like the shoe fell off. I sailed around for at least one season
> with no pin in the shoe -  the shoe was still there. The only way I knew
> that the shoe was missing was that the scraper went right through when I
> was cleaning to do the bottom paint. The boat may have been missing it for
> years.
> Keep us posted about what you find when the boat comes out of the water.
> Jonathan
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