[Public-List] Re-Sealing the Deck to Hull Joint

Michael Grosh dickdurk at gmail.com
Wed Dec 25 13:47:03 PST 2013

I wasn't able to get that link to open, Bob.
So the existing holes are precisely distanced from each other?
Michael Grosh
On Dec 25, 2013 3:53 PM, "Robert Kirk" <isobar at verizon.net> wrote:

>    On 12/23/13, Michael Grosh<dickdurk at gmail.com> wrote:
>    "I removed and prepped, filling in the original bolt holes ( I couldn't
>    figure out how to get holes in the New teak to line up with the old
>    holes)."
>    Michael... It's too late for you unless you have to repeat the job or
>    have other line-up  related projects, but I was able to reuse the
>    original holes by using dowel centers to locate the bolt holes in a
>    couple of sections of toe rail I replaced. For example:
>    http://www.amazon.com/General-Tools-4-Inch-2-Inch-Transfer/dp/B00004T82
>    N
>    I had to buy a couple of extras do do a usable length in one shot.
>    The toughest part of the job was cutting the matching Zee shaped scarf
>    joints. I couldn't think of a better way than cutting the Z shape bye
>    eye in  the good part of the toe rail, then sacrificing some plywood
>    templates trying to match the cutout shape. Any woodworkers with a
>    better idea?
>    Bob Kirk
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