[Public-List] polishing bronze

mainstay at csolve.net mainstay at csolve.net
Wed Jan 2 13:47:52 PST 2013

Hello friends -

First, I generally recommend people don't polish their bronze,  but if  
you do want to do it, I'd suggest that one should use a known brand of  
cleaner in order to avoid the possibility of damaging the surface of  
the fittings.

I used to use a product that came in impregnated cotton called, I  
think, 'Nevrdull' or something like that.  I'm not sure where it can  
be had these days but do know it's still around.

Cheers -

Gord #426 Surprise (basking in the warmth of Port Townsend Washington  
at the moment...warm that is in comparison with Georgian Bay which  
just froze over...)


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