[Public-List] Jeffrey Randall

David Gilbert bigkanu at rogers.com
Wed Jun 12 07:40:07 PDT 2013

Sent to GLAA Commodore Coultis Nov. 11/11

Sent to GLAA Commodore Coultis Nov. 11/11
For Jeffrey Randall.
Here are two photos of plans and a half model that I own. The plans  
were given to me by a former Alberg owner who told me that they are  
the original drawing that hung on Kurt Hansen's office wall at Whitby  
Boat Works. The half model was given to me by Doris Hansen. I have  
lent them to Cathy Coultis, Commodore of the Great Lakes Alberg  
Association for our upcoming 50th anniversary - 2014. Cathy's email is zoocrew at xplornet.ca 
  and she may be on the public list but I'm sure would cooperate with  
you in getting you good copies of the plan. Good luck.


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