[Public-List] Internal Transducer

Jay Davenport jay at saildriver.com
Sun Jun 9 07:40:01 PDT 2013


I stopped mine from leaking by putting a bead of 5200 around the seam between the reservoir and the hull.

Jay Davenport
Revolution, A30 #526

> From: randall weatherspoon <rlwspoon at earthlink.net>
>To: public-list at lists.alberg30.org 
>Sent: Sunday, June 9, 2013 10:24 AM
>Subject: [Public-List] Internal Transducer
>I have one mounted in the hanging locker on the starboard side. It is
>mounted on a reservoir fill with mineral oil.
>I can send pictures for the site or contact me offsite. It works great. The
>only problem with mine is that it weeps a small amount of oil - I keep a
>newspaper in the bottom of the compartment to absorb. I did not build it so
>I don't know what could be done to stop the weeping.
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