[Public-List] Old Hickory

isobar at verizon.net isobar at verizon.net
Mon Oct 7 06:59:52 PDT 2013

   On 10/06/13, Michael Grosh<dickdurk at gmail.com> wrote:
   That's a heck of a chart, Bob. I read it as spruce being 1/2 the
   weight, and 2/3 compression (resistance?) Of white oak approx.
   [That's right, Michael. Sorry I forgot to include the definitions:
   Compressive strength tells you how much of a load
    a wood species can withstand parallel to the grain. How much weight wi
   ll the legs of a table support before they buckle?

   Measure the compressive strength by loading a block of wood parallel to
    the grain until it breaks]
   So I suppose spruce being bendy is desirable in masts (racing dingys,
   etc.). It's a pretty spiffy wood for a pair of 9' oars I have also.
   Scratch the spreader idea. Maybe that's why later boats are in
   [ I wonder why they switched, too. Cheaper? Easier to fabricate?
   Certainly not for looks or performance.]
   p.s. I apologize if my strength figures are incorrect (though I doubt
   it). I had to take them from a third party source since the bast..
   oops, government employees, took down the forest service database on
   their web site because of the "shutdown". Presumably a waste of
   electricity or some such.


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