[Public-List] Hiking seat

Bill Boyle wpb1210 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 25 11:15:00 PDT 2013

I’ve been sailing my A30 now for the past summer.  Mainly day trips out of the Magathy and around the bay.     My roots in sailing go back to dingys and that meant hiking out and/or sitting on the rail using a hiking stick on the tiller.    I tried to do that on this boat but the coaming is quite hard on the butt!  I’ve looked at the pictures on the A30 site and tried to see if anyone had solved the problem.  I saw a few attempts but I was not satisfied with just a flat board attached to the coaming.  Does anyone have a solution for comfortably sitting on the rail as a sailing position?   If anyone has a picture of what they have done I would appreciate a copy at my email address.  wpb1210 at yahoo.com
Bill Boyle



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