[Public-List] Rudder Stuffing Box Repair

Michael Connolly via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Mon Dec 1 19:05:30 PST 2014

Congratulations!  Patience, patience, patience. I would look at it this way, you paid yourself the cost of a haul-out for a days work. Not bad wages I suspect. The greatest benefit by far is that you learned a bit about this part of your boat. Generally speaking paying someone else to do the work learns you nothing.  With the exception of electronics, nothing on our boats is high tech. rocket science. 
Be proud of yourself and savor the knowledge gained.  I was thinking if the whole die you purchased was hexagonal on the out side then when split and reassembled one could use a box wrench to hold it together and turn it as well.  Might need shims or tape around the die to fit tightly into the box of the wrench,...........................but you are not cutting threads just casing them so this would work. 
Thanks for informing the List as to your results. 


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