[Public-List] Alberg 30 Seminar on Saturday, Feb 15th

Michael Nikolich mike.nikolich550 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 12 14:27:21 PST 2014


At this weekend's seminar there will be a presentation by Mr. Tawney from the National Sailing Hall of Fame.  Also, Jim Mennucci will give a presentation and lead a discussion of the special anniversary events we are having throughout our 50th season.

Please note that the seminar start time is later than normal.  We start at 2:15 PM this weekend.
This weekend's seminar will be held at the Annapolis Branch of the library, located at 1410 West St., Annapolis.

The post-seminar social event will be at the Townshends.  Directions will be available at the seminar.

Lastly, we're in for some heavy winter weather between now and Saturday.  If the Anne Arundel County Public Libraries are closed on Saturday due to the weather we will not hold the seminar.  The best way to find out if the library is open will be to call them at 410-222-1750.  If they are closed, the recording that initially answers the phone will state that they are closed due to the weather.  You can also look on their website www.aacpl.net.  We will also keep everyone updated through these email lists.

See you Saturday!


Mike Nikolich
Vice Commodore
Chesapeake Bay Alberg 30 
One-Design Association
mike.nikolich550 at gmail.com


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