[Public-List] Paint stripper

John's Email cooler2k at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 31 12:33:13 PST 2014

Thank you, Glenn. I had hoped that was the case. But I had a nagging nightmare that my boat was turning to gooe while my wife stood by saying 
" You should've asked the 'List'! "
Thanks again  :)


Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 31, 2014, at 15:26, Glenn Brooks <brooks.glenn at comcast.net> wrote:

> John,  I have used several brands of paint strippers on my interior and found they take quite a while to eat into the underlaying FG.  I think you will find if you put a light to moderate coat on the paint the stripperwill dry out and/or neutralize itself on the paint before etching the glass.  
> Also I usually sand and clean the surface afterwards with thinner and a sponge to flush any residual away.  (Alternately, some  of these are water soluble so maybe use water, I think)
> Usually one needs quite a heavy application of stripper and a long soak period to have a meaningful impact on the glass substrate.
> Cheers
> Glenn B.
> Dolce 318
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Jan 31, 2014, at 11:56 AM, John's Email <cooler2k at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> Can anyone recommend a chemical paint stripper to use in the salon and head on the interior of the hull (obviously non-liner boat) that will not have a negative effect on the underlying fiberglass?
>> Thank you,
>> John C.
>> Sent from my iPhone
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