[Public-List] depth sounder

Kris Coward kris at melon.org
Fri Jun 6 06:11:06 PDT 2014

On Fri, Jun 06, 2014 at 03:53:38AM +0000, GLENN P wrote:
> Wow, conjurs up all kindsa possibilities... cheap ballast substitute? ... Get plastered on Friday Night?? Use it in Mexico to fight Monte's revenge, small quantities most likely, giving rise to a huge amount still on board? 
> Perhaps Its not plaster after all, maybe its really cocaine and you are either now immensely rich or in a lot of trouble with the Feds. 
> Might be a good idea to donate it to Mr. Dumpster. 

I'm pretty sure it was plaster because I donated it to Mr. Dumpster
years ago when enough moisture got in to clump it together and set it :)


Kris Coward					http://unripe.melon.org/
GPG Fingerprint: 2BF3 957D 310A FEEC 4733  830E 21A4 05C7 1FEB 12B3


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