[Public-List] Rudder needs some love... (Greg Roberts)

GLENN P brooks.glenn at comcast.net
Fri Mar 28 15:50:55 PDT 2014

Hi Gregg, 

I also would recommend replacing your old wood rudder with a foam core and fiberglass one. the job is relatively straight forward to build a new fiberglass rudder, except that you will need to shape the leading and trailing edge so as to accommodate 1/4" or therearebouts of resin and mat/roving outer skin. the leading edge needs to fit recessed into the concave shape of the trailing edge of the hull.. the other trick is to make sure the shafts are centered and aligned plumb from top to bottom pin . This ensures the rudder will align properly with the shoe, pinion and top rudder bearing underneath the cockpit. Not to hard too do, but something to be aware of when laying up the rudder shaft in the middle of the foam piece. 

I don't know if the early wood rudders are the same shape as the latter fiberglass ones-. I assume they are as i have heard anyone on the list say that Whitby changed the hull molds, 

. I recently made two full size rudder drawings for people, bsed on my rudder rebuild from a few years ago. I still have one extra and would be happy to send it along to you if you wish to build a new rudder. If so, send me your mailing address offline and I will mail you the drawing. its to physically big to scan and email.and reproduce in a usable format. 

Cost of materials at retail will be aroud $500 - $750 for foam core, resin and cloth- depending on where you can buy the materials. Also you might consider purchasing new silica bronze or aluminum bronze 7/8" round stock for the top and bottom rudder posts- although the old existing stock is probably still OK, the question you will need to answer is do you want your boat to have a new rudder with 45 year old rudder stock and if so, will it last last another 50 or so years? I choose to replace my rudder stock with new bronze when I rebuilt my rudder. 


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Lehman" <sail_505 at hotmail.com> 
To: "Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all" <public-list at lists.alberg30.org> 
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2014 1:44:26 PM 
Subject: Re: [Public-List] Rudder needs some love... (Greg Roberts) 

The shaft has to be out and the boat needs to be about 3 feet off the ground...I dug a hole under the boat...the boat yard was not happy about that 

--- Original Message --- 

From: gregr at nethere.com 
Sent: March 28, 2014 4:31 PM 
To: public-list at lists.alberg30.org 
Subject: Re: [Public-List] Rudder needs some love... (Greg Roberts) 

Can the rudder slide out passed the prop shaft or does the shaft need to be 
removed first? 


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