[Public-List] Life on a shoe string...

Greg Dawson via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Mon Oct 6 16:40:26 PDT 2014

Hi Greg.

Life on a shoe string is good for me. We didn't pay much for our boat so can't complain about the amount of work required but sometimes it is difficult to know where to start. She comes out of the water this week and we have opted to start from the bottom up, inspecting the hull, through hulls, re bushing the rudder, removing & replacing the prop shaft, pulling out the engine and overhauling it, replacing rotten bulkheads & completely rewiring her (nothing electrical works apart from the cabin lights) 

Our rebuild is probably going to take us 3 years, this year is to get her safe & sailable again. The next two will be about making her comfortable & pretty again whilst enjoying time afloat. All good fun.

Having this forum is a huge help to us.

Thanks to you all for your advice.

Greg Dawson.

Good hope #348


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