[Public-List] propeller choice

Dwayne Back via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Mon Feb 2 11:02:33 PST 2015

Jay,   I can move at hull speed at around 3/4 open throttle if I remember correctly.  Most of the propeller shops have software they can input specifics into and you can get some pretty good info, Stanley at Beta is very knowledgeable as well..  I do not deal with large wave or currents on Lake St. Clair so the engine and propeller seem sufficient.  With either heavy currents or waves you may actually want the 20hp Beta, not sure what others have experienced.

     On Monday, February 2, 2015 1:53 PM, Bill Wallace <wayfarer3134 at yahoo.com> wrote:

 The 13 MIGHT fit - I would check your actual clearance, as the larger props perform better, although they do slow down sailing a bit more.  I'm currently running a variprop 13x12 on a Yanmar 2gm20f at 2.2 ratio, and plan on adjusting it down to 13x11 for this coming summer.  I notice the feathering when sailing on light air days.  The variprop is REALLY tight length wise, but otherwise fits quite nicely (I had to trim part of the rudder to make a bigger opening so it wouldn't hit when feathered - but no loss of turning performance, actually I think the boat handles a bit better after the change).

     On Monday, February 2, 2015 1:42 PM, Dwayne Back via Public-List <public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:

 I have a Beta 16 with a 12 x 9 three blade propeller.  Ideally (according to beta) you would use a 13 x 8 propeller but the Albergs do not have room for the 13 blade.  I have no real complaints.  Purchased mine from Michigan Wheel.
DwayneOrion #94 

    On Monday, February 2, 2015 1:20 PM, Jay Davenport via Public-List <public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:

 I am installing a Beta 16 diesel in my Alberg 30. It will run at 3600 rpm, with a 2:1 reduction ratio.
The old Atomic 4 engine spun a 10 x 6 three-bladed prop. I made hull speed at about 2200 rpm direct.
I would appreciate any advice (preferably from experience) on what 3-blade prop size would work best with the Beta. I am considering a 11 x 9. Part of my concern is getting the most effective push from the prop, while avoiding cavitation from excessive prop diameter.
Jay DavenportRevolution, A30 #526
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