[Public-List] Traveler use on an Alberg 30 - racing

Bill Wallace via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Sun Jan 18 14:13:57 PST 2015

Hi Alberg 30 racers,
What do you use for a traveler on your boat, and how much do you use it while racing?  Is it set in the middle and leave alone, or do you set the mainsail tension, and then adjust position mostly with the traveler?  The traveler on my boat was damaged when I bought the boat, and so I mostly just leave it set in the middle.  I've tried hitting it to reposition the metal, and that at least allowed me to move it, but it is still a fixed-setting pin based system, not one of the ones that is adjustable.  I was at the boat show in Toronto this weekend, and saw a Garhauer MT3 system for $275, or the Harken Windward system is about $800 roughly.    Quite a big price difference, and I'm thinking the Garhauer is probably the better choice - I might need to cut some wood as a base, as the existing track is slightly curved.  Also, the MT3 is a 2:1 system, and that may or may not be adequate - any thoughts?
Thanks,Bill.Chewan # 626

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