[Public-List] False Keel area?

wesley sherman via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Sat Jan 31 10:33:13 PST 2015

I am new to the forum and a long time reader.  
I am owner new owner of #397 and currently restoring her.
I have a question that I hope someone will know.   I have been trying to find out how much of the keel and location of the alberg 30 iron is located.  I know on other Triton versions that alberge did there were some false keel areas near the rudder.
Does anyone know if this exists in the 1969 Alberg. Or if there is some diagram that shows how it was build and location of the mass of iron ect or false keel.
Final option would be to probe the keel keel to map it out with a fine long drill.
I am about to move it off a cradle and onto boat stands and am a bit concerned if there is indeed a false keel area as in the tritons and other alberg designs. Currently I plan on not putting any blocks from three feet in from the keel foot.
Any help would be appreciated.
Wesley Sherman


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