[Public-List] few Alberg blisters

Jon Budington via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Sat Mar 14 13:54:31 PDT 2015

I'm going to look at the bottom tomorrow (blasting was done yesterday).  I might skip the barrier coat and go with a less expensive paint job.  I've never seen a blister on Nimble, so I don't want to fix a non-existent problem.  Thanks for all the input.


From: Public-List <public-list-bounces at lists.alberg30.org> on behalf of Gordon Laco via Public-List <public-list at lists.alberg30.org>
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2015 6:35 PM
To: Gordon White; Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all
Subject: Re: [Public-List] few Alberg blisters

I've got another theory....

Very few yachts from the period ours have shown blister problems.  The
industry is of the professional opinion that thicker gel coat has shown
itself over the years to be less water permeable than the thinner gel coat
applications used in boats built after prices for resins began to increase
in the 1980's.

Who knows....

Gord #426 Surprise

On 13/03/15 6:18 PM, "Gordon White via Public-List"
<public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:

> I agree with George's theory - that the Alberg (Whitby) gel coat allows
> pressure to escape, thus minimizing blisters. I see no way to thoroughly
> dry out the bottom short of vacuum-bagging the boat for months or
> letting it sit on the hard a couple of years.
>   - Gordon White /Brigadoon II (275)/
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