[Public-List] wash-down device

gordon white via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Sun Oct 11 13:32:56 PDT 2015

     I have always wanted a way to wash the mud off the anchor. 
Anchoring in Chesapeake Bay mud can result in a very messy foredeck. I 
have designed, in my mind, a portable device based on a bilge pump 
lowered over the side, attached to a hose. This fall I finally built 
one. It works!!

     These little Rule pumps come in various voltages and capacities and 
are often found in second-hand chandeleries for $10 or so. I attached a 
12 volt 1,100  gph pump to a 56 inch long piece of 3/4 inch PVC pipe 
with a bit of hose and  attached the whole thing to a 1x2 lath and 
screwed a toggle switch to the top of it. Made a sort of hook to hang it 
on the toe rail.

     Most expensive item aside from the pump was the brass fitting to 
attach a short piece of garden hose to.

     I use a 12 volt battery intended for a riding lawn mower.

     Cleans off the anchor pretty well, though it does not really put 
out 1,100 gallons an hour (18 gpm)

     I have a photo, but am not sure how to send it.

     I can bring this thing to one of the February seminars.

- Gordon White

/Br//i//gadoon II/

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