[Public-List] Self Tailing Winches

Daniel Swords via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Mon Oct 26 17:40:42 PDT 2015

I also have installed Anderson 40ST winches and I love them. I was going to go with a smaller size but thanks to advice from this site (from Surprise?) I got the 40s and I think they are perfect. I however have removed my lifelines and stantions and don't miss them in the least. The boat is much easier to board from the dock and from the water and also looks much better. I used to sail on Dragons and Knarrs and these boats didn't have lifelines and I don't recall anyone ever falling off. 

 I don't have a real toilet though, I just have a bucket with a waste collection bag made by Coleman and sold at Walmart for backpacking and camping, a dry collection system instead of a porti-potty. The dry system works great. Backpackers and tent campers use this system. The bags are very heavy duty and contain an absorbant powder and seal up very tightly so there is no oder. Instead of flushing you seal up the bag and throw it in a trash bin when you get to shore. It is easy to carry a dozen or more replacement bags with you and to find a discreet storage for used bags until you get to shore and there is no pump-out or watery waste to bother with and empty. It is sort of like how you handle dog poo bags. Why take a relatively small amount of waste and make it into a much larger amount of waste by mixing it with a bunch of water? 

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