[Public-List] Self Tailing Winches

Michael Grosh via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Mon Oct 26 18:55:34 PDT 2015

Don't yacht racing rules require lifelines?
Michael Grosh
On Oct 26, 2015 8:40 PM, "Daniel Swords via Public-List" <
public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:

> I also have installed Anderson 40ST winches and I love them. I was going
> to go with a smaller size but thanks to advice from this site (from
> Surprise?) I got the 40s and I think they are perfect. I however have
> removed my lifelines and stantions and don't miss them in the least. The
> boat is much easier to board from the dock and from the water and also
> looks much better. I used to sail on Dragons and Knarrs and these boats
> didn't have lifelines and I don't recall anyone ever falling off.
>  I don't have a real toilet though, I just have a bucket with a waste
> collection bag made by Coleman and sold at Walmart for backpacking and
> camping, a dry collection system instead of a porti-potty. The dry system
> works great. Backpackers and tent campers use this system. The bags are
> very heavy duty and contain an absorbant powder and seal up very tightly so
> there is no oder. Instead of flushing you seal up the bag and throw it in a
> trash bin when you get to shore. It is easy to carry a dozen or more
> replacement bags with you and to find a discreet storage for used bags
> until you get to shore and there is no pump-out or watery waste to bother
> with and empty. It is sort of like how you handle dog poo bags. Why take a
> relatively small amount of waste and make it into a much larger amount of
> waste by mixing it with a bunch of water?
> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
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